The MLNC is funded entirely on Memberships and Donations. We are all volunteers. A sustaining membership will help ensure lasting impact on community education, events and replacement of invasive species with natives.


How we spend donations

We have fixed costs we have prioritized from year to year

School in the Park: $1,400

Insurance: $1,100

Website/IT support: $800

What we would like to spend money on

Speaker fees

Supplies (loppers, gloves, tree tubes, etc)

Native Trees and Shrubs

Where our money comes from

Even though hundreds of people sign up for our website and newsletters, come to our programs and our volunteer events, only 30 people donated a total of $2,909 in 2020, leaving us with a deficit of $1,698. We have a small amount of savings we have had to dip in to, but if this continues, we will not be able to continue as an organization. Please become a member today.

Please also consider volunteering with us. Our calendar of events is updated and ready for you to check out.